Monday, September 06, 2004


Wine and Waxing

When your personal life goes south, friends and family feel obligated to cheer you up with food and beverage. Because, let's face it, what could be better than adding on the pounds and increasing your dependency on liquor during times of personal introspection?..... If you said "more liquor and free food" then you get an "A," my friend.

So, I'm on the way to free-food-and-wine friend's house, but I stop at Kroger to pick up some chicken. This is what I was told to bring. Not wine or an appetizer, but chicken thighs. While I'm there, I also get other liter, cat food, cat hairball remedy, and shower cleaner. You know, regular groceries. Now, it's known to all of us that shop at Kroger that they regularly hire sackers who are "special needs" adults. (For those of you up north, we actually hire people in Texas to sack our groceries...I know you're jealous.) Meaning, adults with down syndrome, mild forms of mental retardation, etc. I find this to be a wonderful practice and wish these individuals were more commonly working among us. I've had the privilege of working with special needs children many, many times, and they are joyous and kind people. They are also verrrry direct. But back to my story...

So I'm at the check-out stand and there's not a sacker available, so I go with the "up north" approach and start doing it myself. Suddenly, a large man with an extremely loud and high pitched voice taps me quite fiercely on the shoulder and says, "EXCUSE ME PLEASE." I, of course, move out of the way and let him do his job, knowing he is enthusiastic about getting it accomplished. Everything rolls along for a minute or two, and then he says, "IS THIS WAX STRIP HAIR REMOVAL KIT YOURS?" Nice....Yes, yes it is. "HOW IS YOUR HUSBAND?!" I don't have a husband. "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET MARRIED?!" Not for a long time, I say. I didn't mean to perplex him, but I was being honest. He didn't ask any more questions after that.

Dinner was great, and so was the wine. I haven't gotten to the waxing yet, however.

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