Sunday, August 29, 2004
Carlton is "married." Damnit. This is what I was told last night by my other bartender, Chris. He just happened to mention "Carlton's wife." (Note that I said "my other bartender," as if the other patrons in the bar are merrily borrowing them from me.) Carlton was there but wasn't working, apparently having been off the clock for an hour or two but was hanging out with friends. He came up to me eventually and was talking about how he lived in Dallas, blah blah, and "his girlfriend" blah blah they live together blah, it's been one of those long term things, apparently, and Chris being a man associates long term with "marriage." Wew, I can still dream naughty things about him without guilt! The dance continues. He talked to my friend and me for a while tonight. I had never been on the same side of the bar with him before, and in addition to my gin and soda, I was drinking in everything that was him. A sweet thing. He just bought a classic Mustang...I told him I was a classic Chevy person. He's a republican, I'm a democrat. Oh well, never the two shall meet. It was difficult to concentrate on what he said, as I couldn't help but stare at his lips.....grrrrrr. He mentioned having a dream about me last night, something about me reading a book, as I oftentimes do at the bar when I'm not meeting someone. Our conversation progressed, I asked him something about college, and then suddenly he was gone. Zip zagging away as usual. Maybe I'll learn more next time. On a side note, the manager Paul was talking to us frequently as well. Seriously, I should just get a part-time job at this place. But anyway, he hands my friend and me our bills, and she notices that one of my gin and sodas is on her bill. So we point this out to him and he takes them both back. I had eaten and had three drinks, we were there for about four hours. The ticket I returned to him was for $18.50, but when he handed back the new one he had comped everything but one drink and my bill was now $3.50. My girlfriend and I just sort of gasped and then looked at each other's bills...he had done the same thing to both. No reason, no explanation, he just winked and said "See you next time." God, I LOVE this bar.... |