Monday, September 05, 2005


I'm alive.

Yes, yes. I made it back to the states relatively un-scarred. Unless you count my psyche. It's been a maddening world even back here, with family, unplanned trips within Texas, meetings at school BEFORE school was supposed to start, then school starting, then the kids showing up, and of course all of this leads to lots of drinking. SO, I literally haven't been still since I've been back, and there hasn't been a moment, it seems, to myself to write on here. Because, let's face it, after all of the other stuff that I have to do, free time will be spent drinking. Though, I do have a story or two to tell, and it has crossed my mind several times. But after a long day at school, doing theatre stuff after school, and getting home at 9pm, the option to watch TV and drink verses writing witty remarks on the blog will always lean towards the former. Well, actually, I can't think of something that would beat out drinking and TV....well, drinking with friends obviously. Or drinking with family. Well, that depends on the family....drinking and TV would beat out drinking with Dad's family any day. Actually, just the thought of Dad's family makes me want to drink right now. A lot. Just the thought that I am actually related to those people makes me want to give thanks, through drinking, that I'm so freaking normal.

I'll try to be better and get back to writing. Thank you all for the nice comments. I'm glad that I'm actually entertaining someone...or at least giving you a reason to drink.

It was good talking to you last week. I didn't think you needed a reason to drink. I'm glad you're back. Bottoms up!
Glad to hear your back. Although I question the normal part, at least a little.
Hey, what the hell!? Why don't you ever, ever EVER update this blog?
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