Wednesday, December 26, 2007


What the F?

Don't really have anything fascinating to say...was just checking out my old writings on here in the same way that you sometimes look at an old photo album and go, "Wow, that was cool." So I figured maybe I should write something just in case blogspot tries to kick my ass off of here at some point...need to keep logging in.

So, had the usual Christmas extravaganza in San Antonio this year, lots of food, lots of liquor....I haven't stayed up this late this many nights in a row since college, I don't think. On Christmas Eve we partied at my cousin Tommy's house, who invited some friends over in addition to family...this one friend, a lawyer, wears "costumes" whenever he goes're not supposed to ask about the costumes, as he apparently will become agitated with you. You're just supposed to accept the experience as it front of your face. He apparently has one that consists of a large, red "one-z" and a tu-tu. Seriously, I'm not making this shit up. Last night he came as a "Christmas cowboy"....part Santa, part cowboy, part DALLAS cowboy....with flashing red and green glasses...I'm not sure which part of the costume those went with. Whatever. His trophy blond wife found it extremely funny that I would exclaim "F!" a lot...not fuck, I would just say "F!!!" Whatever.

Yeah family and gin.

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Yeah, I sort of know what you mean by "Yeah family and [alcohol of your choice]."

Tommy is my cousin, too, although we don't really know each other (my dad Jerry and his dad Jack are half-brothers).

So at our family Christmas in Bemidji, it was wine, not gin, and everyone tried not to comment on my niece's (daughter of my sister, who's in this photo with me) fully-tattooed-and-earringed boyfriend/fiance.
If you change the Gin to Single Malt Irish Whiskey, I'm there!
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